Never mind the tears they bring
on–onions are an ace ally in your fight against disease. A prized member of the
lily family, onions lavish you with health benefits while adding oodles of
taste to your food. Not to mention you can buy a bundle from the grocery store
for mere pennies.
Here’s a quick glimpse at their incredible health benefits:
1. The phytochemicals in onions along with
their vitamin C help improve immunity.
2. Onions contain chromium, which assists in
regulating blood sugar.
3. For centuries, onions have been used to
reduce inflammation and heal infections.
4.Do you enjoy sliced onions with your food?
If yes, rejoice! Raw onion lowers the production of bad cholesterol (LDL), thus
keeping your heart healthy.
5. A powerful compound called quercetin in
onions is known to play a significant role in preventing cancer.
6 Got stung by a honeybee? Apply onion juice
on the area for immediate relief from the pain and burning sensation.
7. Onions scavenge free radicals, thereby
reducing your risk of developing gastric ulcers.
Those bright green tops of green onions are
rich in Vitamin A, so do use them often.
Which type of onions are the
healthiest? Researchers from Cornell studied 11 onion varieties, and found that
shallots and Western yellow onions were the healthiest for their phenolic and
flavonoid content.
Source : Care2.com
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