November 13, 2016

5 Dangers Of Not Changing Your Boxers[Must Read]

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Hey everyone.. This topic applies to both ladies and gentlemen,there is a compulsory need for personal hygiene,most especially when it comes with what you put on.. boxers or panties needs to be regularly changed daily to avoid unecessary infections and damages.. safety precautions and awareness should be done.

so today at HEALINIC,we will be looking at the dangers of not regularly changing your undies i.e pants and boxers. please read below ;

1. Your Skin Will Get Itchy : This is generally the first thing that happens on any part of the body that isn't lucky enough to be covered with clean clothes, but it can be particularly annoying when it happens around your lady parts. Unwashed panties

November 06, 2016

6 Dangers Of Soft Drinks [READ]

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Soft drinks etc is one of the most consumed beverages in the Nigeria, second only to water. Here in Nigeria, we consumes upto 57 gallons of soft drinks per person every year as form of refreshment after a hectic day, on the road during a frustrating traffics form of entertsinment and all that, as if it wasn’t full of sugary calories. But what’s happening inside the bodies of soda consumers with each sip?,sugary drinks increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. So today Healinic will be discussing more on dangers of soft drinks.. awareness as they say is far better than cure..

Here are the Reasons Why you need to Reduce Soft drinks intake.

1 High Risk of Cancer : There have been many studies that have looked at the links between various types of cancer and fizzy drink consumption,