October 11, 2016

FACTS :Too Much Eggs Causes Heart Disease

Hey Guys,! We will be looking at the Negative Effects of Taking Eggs Daily or Too Much Intake of Eggs.

Nutritionally, eggs are a very good source of protein and the trace mineral selenium, a good source of phosphorus, riboflavin and vitamin B12 and high in nutrients important for the eyes and brain, but high in saturated fat and very high in cholesterol.
In fact, a single medium-sized egg contains 62 per cent of the recommended maximum daily intake.
Eggs are high in calories, fat and cholesterol. Consuming eggs every day can put you at risk for heart disease by increasing your blood-cholesterol levels. The high caloric content may lead to weight gain if you eat too many. As a healthier alternative, swap whole eggs for egg whites or egg-product replacers to reduce calories, fat and cholesterol.
What are possible Effects Of Eggs?

Excessive Calories

Firstly,Large eggs provide approximately 75 calories each. Filling your breakfast plate with three scrambled eggs packs about 225 calories, just from
the eggs. The high number of calories you consume from eggs may lead to weight gain over time.  Do you know that It takes an excess of 3,500 calories to pack on 1 pound of body weight ?, explains the National Institutes of Health. Eating three eggs per day can lead to as much as 1 pound of weight gain in less than three weeks..

High Cholesterol
Secondly, human Consuming eggs on a daily basis adds an excessive amount of cholesterol to your diet. Cholesterol is a fatty, waxy substance that builds up on arterial walls when you have too much in your blood. As it builds up in your arteries, it makes them hard and stiff and causes blood clots to form. Your heart has to work harder to push blood through, increasing your blood pressure. These harmful effects of cholesterol boost your risk of heart attack and heart disease. Keep your daily cholesterol intake to less than 300 milligrams or under 200 milligrams if you already have high blood cholesterol.

Fat Content
Eating eggs on a daily basis drastically increases your fat intake. You need some fat in your diet to absorb fat-soluble vitamins, produce certain hormones and perform other functions. Too much fat, particularly saturated fat from eggs, can be harmful and increase your risk of heart disease. You need between 20 to 35 percent calories from fat, following the report from Dietary Guidelines for Americans in  2010. Based on a 2,000-calorie diet, you can have 44 to 77 daily grams of fat. Large eggs provide nearly 5 grams of fat per egg. For a 2,000-calorie diet, three scrambled eggs at breakfast take up as much as 35 percent of your calories for the entire day..

Other Considerations and Possible solution
All of the fat and cholesterol in eggs comes directly from the yolk. Opt for plain egg whites in a carton or separate egg yolks from the whites before cooking. Egg-replacer products are derived from egg whites and are another option for fat-free, cholesterol-free eggs. These healthier alternatives drastically cut calories and fat. Three scrambled egg whites provide less than 60 calories and no cholesterol and or fat -- far less than three scrambled whole eggs, which have 225 calories, 555 milligrams of cholesterol and 15 grams of fat.

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